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Body Contouring Options After Pregnancy

Body Contouring Options After Pregnancy

It is inevitable that pregnancy and breastfeeding will change your body. The weight gain, hormonal fluctuations, and the way your body adapts to growing and feeding another human being can result in stretched-out skin, injured abdominal muscles, loss of volume where you want it (like your breasts) and excess volume where you don’t (like stubborn deposits of fat around your waistline). You wouldn’t give up the experience of pregnancy and childbirth, and you love your little one more than you could imagine, but maybe you don’t love the effects of pregnancy on your body. Body contouring is the answer to restore your pre-pregnancy figure and reclaim your body when you are finished having children. Here are some of the body contouring options you can consider after pregnancy.


Body Contouring After Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

Body contouring is used to describe a collection of cosmetic surgical procedures that are meant to refine, improve, and restore a natural-looking, ideal silhouette. After pregnancy, body contouring can tighten, lift, tone, and smooth away the effects of childbirth and breastfeeding. This procedure is also called a Mommy Makeover and the results can be transformative. Here are some of the body contouring procedures you can consider. 

Breast Revision
Even for women who do not breastfeed, the physical and hormonal changes you experience during pregnancy can impact the shape and lift of your breasts. Breasts can appear deflated and saggy, areolas can become stretched out, and the position of your nipples can become less than ideal. The two most common breast revision procedures chosen after pregnancy are augmentation and mastopexy.

  • Breast Augmentation: Also known as augmentation mammoplasty, breast augmentation increases the size and projection of your breasts with saline or silicone implants. This is ideal for women who have experienced a significant decrease in the size of their breasts after breastfeeding.
  • Breast Mastopexy: Mastopexy, also known as a breast lift, repositions and reshapes your breasts, nipples, and areolas to create a natural-looking, more appealing breast profile. This is ideal for women who want to refine the shape and position of their breasts without increasing the size. To learn more about the techniques your doctor may use for your breast mastopexy, read Techniques Your Plastic Surgeon May Use For Your Breast Lift.

Breast augmentation and lift can be combined (augmentation mastopexy) to achieve optimal lift and fullness.

Abdominoplasty is a completely customized cosmetic surgical procedure that is designed to refine, tighten, and sculpt the midsection by removing excess skin, fat, and tissue and repairing weakened or damaged muscles. Also called a tummy tuck, this surgery includes options for full abdominoplasty (includes repair of weakened or damaged abdominal muscles) or minor abdominoplasty (a less intensive surgical procedure). Your plastic surgeon can help you determine which option will help you achieve the results you desire.

Stubborn deposits of fat can remain even after you have lost all of your pregnancy weight. Liposuction targets these pockets, permanently removing fat cells in the treatment area. This procedure is safe and effective and provides dramatic and lasting body contouring results with a reasonably brief recovery period. During a liposuction treatment, your plastic surgeon will make several small and discreet incisions in target areas where stubborn stores of fat remain. A thin tube, or cannula, is inserted and the fat deposits are dislodged and suctioned out. 

Your plastic surgeon can achieve optimal contouring results by combining liposuction and abdominoplasty. To learn more, read The Benefits Of Combining Liposuction With A Tummy Tuck.

Body Contouring After Pregnancy: Excellent Results At Alberta Plastic Surgery

You can love your child with all your heart and still not love what pregnancy and breastfeeding have done to your body. You can choose one cosmetic body contouring procedure to target a specific area of your body that you are unsatisfied with or you can combine procedures for an easier recovery journey and optimal results. To reclaim your pre-pregnancy physique or to improve and achieve a natural-looking, ideal silhouette book your complimentary consultation with Dr. Ladak

Dr. Adil Ladak is a board-certified and top surgeon in Edmonton, Alberta, and is highly skilled in cosmetic plastic surgery and other non-surgical rejuvenating cosmetic procedures. Dr. Ladak is a fully qualified Fellow of the Royal Canadian College of Physicians and Surgeons and his team is committed to providing patients with the facts and education to make the most informed decisions about their appearance and health. To explore all of your options to help you feel and look your best, visit Alberta Plastic Surgery in Edmonton by booking your complimentary consultation. Call us at (780) 407-6691 or fill out the form below.


Q: How many scars will I have after combining liposuction and abdominoplasty?
A: Liposuction will require several very small incisions to insert the cannula used for suctioning. These incisions are often only 1-3mm and your surgeon will be careful to place the incisions where they are mostly undetectable. For abdominoplasty, your surgeon will make an incision horizontally just above your pubic line to remove unwanted fat and skin and repair abdominal muscles. This incision will be closed with sutures and will require some special care. Follow your doctor’s post-surgical instructions to facilitate healing and minimize scarring. Once healed, your abdominoplasty scar will be easily hidden by your underwear or bathing suit.

Q: What about breast reduction? Can I have a breast reduction and lift at the same time?
A: Some women opt for breast reduction after pregnancy. A breast reduction will usually include a lift to help patients achieve the results they desire.  A lift can also be performed with augmentation or fat transfer. The bonus is that when you do both together, you only need one anaesthetic and one recovery 

Q: Will breast implants affect my ability to breastfeed?
A: As with breast lift surgery, there is a potential risk to the milk ducts and nerves in your breasts that can impact milk production and your ability to breastfeed, but many women with breast implants are able to breastfeed. Breast implants placed below the muscle seem to have less effect on breastfeeding than implants placed above the muscle. Learn more about implant placement by reading Over Muscle vs Under Muscle Implants: Which Is Better?.

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