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Neck Lift

Neck lifts are similar to facelifts in that they help the patient achieve a more youthful and restful appearance by reshaping and arranging muscle, skin and tissue.

Age can cause skin to become loose and create misshapen areas in the face and neck, even in those who maintain a healthy lifestyle. A neck lift procedure acts to reverse these negative effects, giving the patient a new lease on life.

When To Consider a Neck Lift

Your neck suffers from:

  • Loose skin
  • A misshapen profile
  • Stubborn areas of fat
  • A tired appearance


Neck Lift Procedure

The neck lift procedure is performed using a variety of surgical techniques to redistribute and shape areas of fat in the neck. In addition, muscles, tissue and skin are all repositioned and lifted to remove any areas of sagging that may have occurred in the neck.


Neck Lift Results

Approximately 2 weeks after a necklift surgery, the majority of pain, bruising and swelling will have subsided and you will be able to enjoy a more youthful and rejuvenated appearance. 


Neck Lift Recovery

A necklift recovery does not require any surgical dressings and Dr. Ladak will give you detailed instructions on how best to care for the treated areas. 

If you’re interested in finding out more about the necklift procedure at Dr. Adil Ladak’s plastic surgery practice in Edmonton, Alberta, call 780-407-6691 or book a consultation today


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