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Body Contouring: How To Make Your Arm Lift Results Last

Body Contouring: How To Make Your Arm Lift Results Last

Significant weight loss and the natural effects of aging can cause skin in the upper arm to lose elasticity resulting in a flabby appearance. Arm lift surgery, also known as brachioplasty, targets loose skin and excess fat to tighten and smooth the upper arms, restoring a more youthful, toned profile. Brachioplasty is a cosmetic body contouring procedure performed by a certified plastic surgeon. To achieve optimal results your surgeon may recommend combining brachioplasty with liposuction. For people who have hidden their arms with jackets and loose, long sleeves, an arm lift can be transformative; removing self-consciousness and restoring confidence. If you are ready to choose arm lift surgery and stop hiding under baggy clothes, consult with your plastic surgeon and read these tips to maintain the results of this body contouring procedure for years to come.

Body Contouring: Maintaining The Results

Arm lift surgery will result in the permanent removal of skin and fat. These fat cells will never grow back, but skin will continue to lose elasticity with age and remaining fat cells in your upper arms can still grow larger with general weight gain. The good news is that even with loss of elasticity over time and slight weight fluctuations, your arms will continue to look better than if you had not had the procedure. And with the right lifestyle choices and habits, the results of your arm lift can last for a decade or longer. Here are some things you can do to help maintain your transformative body contouring results for as long as possible.

Follow Your Doctor’s Orders

This body contouring procedure is performed under general anaesthetic. The first step to long-lasting results after arm lift surgery is to ensure you have a healthy recovery. Get plenty of rest, avoid lifting your arms and strenuous activities, eat a healthy, nourishing diet, and drink plenty of fluids. Also:

  • Avoid alcohol and nicotine products including cigarettes, vaping, and nicotine chewing gum.
  • Practice careful incision care as per your surgeon’s instructions and use a medical-grade scar cream to minimize scarring.
  • Sleep with your arms elevated to reduce swelling.
  • Protect your incisions from sun exposure and when your incisions are healed use a broad-spectrum, high-SPF sunscreen.

Use Your Compression Garment

As with many body contouring procedures, after brachioplasty, your plastic surgeon will provide you with compression garments to aid in your healing. These garments are like tight sleeves and they aid in recovery by reducing swelling and fluid accumulation while supporting your delicate tissues as they heal. Most people will wear compression garments for 3-6 weeks after an arm lift. It is important to wear your compression garments until your doctor says otherwise to ensure optimal healing and the longest-lasting results possible.

Eat Well And Exercise

Although you will be advised to avoid heavy lifting, pushing and pulling, and strenuous exercise for about 6 weeks after your body contouring surgery, active living and exercise are key to keeping your arms toned and fit for the long term. Your fitness routine should include cardio and strength training to manage your weight and build muscle.

Exercise alone is not enough. A healthy diet that incorporates fish, poultry, meat, dairy, legumes, eggs, and soy will boost collagen and support skin health. Foods containing zinc, vitamin C, glycine, proline, and hydroxyproline will also promote collagen production and skin elasticity.

Brachioplasty And Other Body Contouring Options At Alberta Plastic Surgery

Brachioplasty can tone and smooth your upper arms, revealing a leaner profile and more defined muscles. These tips will help you achieve transformative results that will last for a very long time. But brachioplasty is just one form of body contouring that can help you achieve the more sculpted silhouette you desire after weight loss and pregnancy, or to address changes due to aging and genetics. To learn more about your options for body contouring, read 5 Common Questions About Body Contouring. If you are considering abdominoplasty, liposuction, brachioplasty, or a medial thigh lift, book your complimentary consultation with Dr. Ladak and explore your options for transformative and effective body contouring treatments.

Dr. Adil Ladak is a board-certified and top surgeon in Edmonton, Alberta, and is highly skilled in cosmetic plastic surgery and other non-surgical rejuvenating cosmetic procedures. Dr. Ladak is a fully qualified Fellow of the Royal Canadian College of Physicians and Surgeons and his team is committed to providing patients with the facts and education to make the most informed decisions about their appearance and health. To explore all of your options to help you feel and look your best, visit Alberta Plastic Surgery in Edmonton by booking your complimentary consultation. Call us at (780) 407-6691 or fill out the form below.


Q: What body contouring procedures can help me refine my body after my dramatic weight loss?
A: Congratulations! You have already done the hard work necessary to achieve a healthy weight! Now that you are at a weight you are comfortable with, there are many options to get the svelte, smooth silhouette to show off your hard work. Read Cosmetic Surgery After Weight Loss: 5 Body Contouring Procedures To Consider for more information.

Q: Can I combine body contouring procedures?
A: Liposuction is a natural complement to any body contouring procedure, but it can also be ideal to combine other procedures to reduce surgical risks and overlap recovery periods. If you are interested in more than one body contouring treatment, book a complimentary consultation with Dr. Ladak to discuss your options for multiple procedures and what outcomes you hope to achieve from surgery.

Q: How long does it take to heal after arm lift body contouring?
A: Everyone’s healing journey is different, but typically it takes about 2-3 weeks to recover, depending on the extent of your surgical procedure. To learn more about recovering after arm lift surgery, read How to Ensure a Successful Brachioplasty Recovery.

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