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Tips For An Easier Recovery After Breast Augmentation

Tips For An Easier Recovery After Breast Augmentation

Augmentation mammoplasty, commonly known as breast augmentation or enhancement, is a cosmetic plastic surgery to increase your breast size. You can opt for saline or silicone implants that can be placed over or under your chest muscles depending on your desired outcomes. Breast augmentation is a safe and effective solution for women who are dissatisfied with their breast size. Some of the reasons women opt for breast augmentation are loss of breast volume due to aging, weight loss, pregnancy, or breastfeeding, when one breast is noticeably larger than the other, and when breast size is naturally smaller than they would like. Recovery after breast augmentation surgery usually takes about 6-8 weeks, but everyone’s healing journey is unique. Here are some tips for a healthy and easier recovery after augmentation mammoplasty.

Tips For Recovering After Breast Augmentation

Reach Out
This first step in recovering after breast augmentation actually happens before you even have the surgery. Reach out to friends or family and build a support system for the days following your surgery. This includes arranging a ride home on the day of your surgery and loved ones who will support and care for you (and your children) for at least 48 hours after. You will likely experience some pain, and the after-effects of the anaesthetic can cause nausea, headaches, and fatigue. You will need assistance performing simple tasks like opening the fridge or preparing food. A helping hand nearby is invaluable in the first few days.

Get Moving
Your plastic surgeon will likely encourage you to get moving within the first few hours after breast augmentation. This simply means gentle, slow, and easy walks around your recovery space to begin with. This movement will promote circulation and reduce swelling. It also reduces the risk of postoperative blood clots. As your energy returns and your pain decreases, you can increase the distance you walk. And although this movement is an important part of recovery, you should avoid raising your arms, reaching, or lifting until you are further healed.

Stay Elevated
Keeping your upper body elevated after breast augmentation surgery will help reduce swelling and bruising and will likely be more comfortable as you heal. For the first few days try to sit up while reading or watching tv. At night use pillows to keep your upper body at about a 45° angle. Because it is also important to sleep on your back, use pillows at your sides and under your arms to prevent you from rolling over in the night.

To understand more about the importance of sleep after breast surgery,
read Tips For Sleeping Well After Breast Augmentation Surgery.

Take Care Of Your Incisions
It is very important to follow your plastic surgeon’s instructions for incision aftercare. This will help avoid infection and ensure optimal healing and minimal scarring. Your surgeon will advise you to avoid bathing, pools, and hot tubs until your wounds are fully healed. After 48 hours you can shower, but use warm water, not hot, and gently pat dry your incision area. Change your bandages to keep your incision clean and if you have post-surgical drains follow your doctor’s orders for care.

Fuel Your Recovery
Healthy nutritious foods before and after your surgery will fuel your recovery. Foods rich in vitamins A, C, and zinc will help prevent infection and support the healing process. Sufficient vitamin K levels are essential for healthy blood clotting. Lean proteins support your immune health and provide the building blocks for new tissue cells. As you prepare for surgery and as your appetite returns after opt for:

  • Lean proteins like eggs, nuts, fish, and chicken
  • Whole grains like brown rice and quinoa
  • A variety of colourful fruits and vegetables like apples, bananas, berries, red peppers, sweet potatoes, leafy greens, carrots, and beets
  • Dairy options like greek yogurt and cheese
  • Healthy fats like olive oil, nuts and seeds, and avocados

Stay Hydrated
Proper hydration is an element of good health anytime, but after surgery it is essential. Water will help flush toxins from the anaesthetic, boost your immune response, promote lymphatic drainage, and help prevent constipation that can be caused by anaesthetic and certain pain medications. Keeping your skin hydrated, both by drinking water and with a rich moisturizer can soothe healing skin and keep it supple. Note: do not use topical moisturizers until your incisions are healing well and follow your doctor’s recommendations for products that will not irritate your healing skin.

Don’t Decompress
After breast augmentation surgery, your plastic surgeon will give you a compression garment to wear. This garment applies even pressure across the treatment area and will reduce swelling, inflammation, and bruising, remove strain on your stitches, support your healing tissues, and can even help reduce pain and discomfort. Most patients are required to wear their surgical compression bra for 2-3 weeks after surgery. It should be worn 24/7 and only removed to shower. After this time your plastic surgeon may recommend switching to a lighter compression sports bra for another 2-4 weeks for optimal healing.

Did you know that your surgeon can
combine breast augmentation surgery with a breast lift for optimal results?


Breast Augmentation And Optimal Recovery With Alberta Plastic Surgery

Breast augmentation can help achieve the breast size, shape, and projection for women who are dissatisfied with the appearance of their breasts. Breast augmentation is a major surgical procedure and recovery can take up to 6-8 weeks. Proper hydration and nutrition, following your doctor’s post-operative instructions, and the caring support of friends and family will help you recover as quickly and easily as possible. If you are considering breast augmentation to achieve your ideal breast size and shape, the team at Alberta Plastic Surgery can guide you in exploring your options for breast surgery. Book your complimentary consultation today.

Dr. Adil Ladak is a board-certified and top surgeon in Edmonton, Alberta, and is highly skilled in cosmetic plastic surgery and other non-surgical rejuvenating cosmetic procedures. Dr. Ladak is a fully qualified Fellow of the Royal Canadian College of Physicians and Surgeons and his team is committed to providing patients with the facts and education to make the most informed decisions about their appearance and health. To explore all of your options to help you feel and look your best, visit Alberta Plastic Surgery in Edmonton by booking your complimentary consultation. Call us at (780) 407-6691 or fill out the form below.



Q: Are breast implants safe?
A: Yes. Breast augmentation is generally safe. There are some minor risks associated with implants and some risks for complications associated with surgery such as infection. Book a complimentary surgical consultation with Dr. Ladak to ask any questions you have regarding the safety of breast augmentation or augmentation mastopexy.

Q: How long will breast implants last?
A: Breast implants are not meant to last forever, and will typically need to be replaced after 10-20 years. If you are wondering how you can tell when you might need to remove or replace your breast implants, read How Many Years Will My Breast Implants Last?

Q: How soon will I be able to see my results after breast augmentation?
A: How soon you will be able to see the optimal results after your breast augmentation surgery will depend on the type of implants, where your implants were placed (under or over your chest muscles), your body type, and your personal healing journey. It will usually be a couple of months before you will see the final results.

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