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How Many Years Will My Breast Implants Last?

How Many Years Will My Breast Implants Last?

Breast implants are not meant to last forever. But the longevity of breast implants seems to be a topic of debate. Answers to the question, ”How long will my breast implants last?” range from 10 years to 20 years with many plastic surgeons confirming that they have performed breast surgery on patients with implants that are 30, 40, even 50 years old. The most simple answer is that there is no way to predict how long your breast implants will last and there are several reasons women will opt to have the breast revision surgery to remove or replace their implants.

When It Might Be Time To Consider Replacement Or Removal

Years after choosing breast implants many women begin to consider implant removal or replacement. There are several conditions that prompt women to evaluate this option:

  • Capsular Contracture: This hardening of the breast tissue occurs when scar tissue forms around the implants. This can cause tightness, numbness, tenderness and pain, and cosmetic changes to your breast.
  • Rupture: If a saline implant ruptures, it will deflate quickly like a popped balloon. This condition is very obvious as one breast will appear dramatically different. The leaking saline is harmlessly absorbed into the surrounding tissues.If a silicone implant ruptures it can be very difficult to tell. Sometimes the silicone gel does not leak from the implant shell at all. You may notice tenderness or a change in breast size and shape over time. Medical imaging is necessary to confirm the rupture.
  • Changes In Appearance: Over time, the appearance of your breasts will change. You may notice rippling of the implant as it ages, your breasts may begin to sag and droop, or the position of your implants in relation to your chest wall may shift. As your body changes, you may feel that the implant size and shape you chose initially just doesn’t work with your body proportions anymore.
  • Personal Choice: As time goes by our opinions, preferences, and desires change. After having implants for years some women opt for revision to refine the shape of their breasts, replacement with larger or smaller implants, a switch from saline to silicone or vice versa, or removal of their implants all together.

Your Options For Cosmetic Breast Surgery

Your options for refining your breasts if you already have implants are:

  • Breast Mastopexy: Also known as a breast lift, this surgical procedure removes excess fat and tissue to reposition the breast and achieve a more uplifted appearance.
  • Implant Replacement: If you are unhappy with your current implants, but still want to maintain the look and feel of augmented breasts, your plastic surgeon can replace your implants with similar, or you could opt for a completely different size, shape, and material.
  • Implant Removal: If you no longer wish to have implants, removal is an option. This can be combined with a breast mastopexy to give you a desirable shape and lift, even with your implants removed.

Let Your Surgeon Guide You

If you have concerns regarding your breast implants, your best option is to talk to your plastic surgeon. They can assess the condition of your implants, the health of your breasts, and provide the insight you need to make the most informed decision for yourself.

Alberta Plastic Surgery: Edmonton’s Choice For Cosmetic Breast Surgery

Breast implants are not meant to last forever, but many women remain satisfied with their implants for a very long time. If your breasts have changed or you are unhappy with the current appearance of your breast implants, you have options. Your plastic surgeon can help you decide if revision, removal or implant replacement is the right choice for you.

Dr. Adil Ladak is a board-certified and top surgeon in Edmonton, Alberta and is highly skilled in helping patients achieve the results they desire with all types of breast surgery from breast augmentation and breast reduction, to breast lift and augmentation mastopexy. Dr. Ladak is a fully qualified Fellow of the Royal Canadian College of Physicians and Surgeons and his team are committed to providing patients with the facts and education to make the most informed decisions about their appearance and health. To explore all of your options for cosmetic surgery to refine your breasts with implants  and many other surgical and non-surgical treatments to help you feel and look your best, visit Alberta Plastic Surgery in Edmonton by booking your complimentary consultation. Call us at 1-780-407-6691 or fill out the form below.


Q: What kind of implants are right for me?
A: There are pros and cons to each type of implant and the choice is extremely personal. Share your goals for breast augmentation surgery with your plastic surgeon and let them guide you with their insight and advice. To learn more about the types of implants and augmentation surgeries, click here.

Q: What size implant should I choose?
A:  When choosing your ideal size for implants, consider your body size, shape, and proportions, as well as your lifestyle and your plans for the future. Discuss all of these factors with your surgeon.

Q: Can I breastfeed if I get implants?
A: Most women are able to breastfeed after breast augmentation, and there is no evidence that it is dangerous for your baby, but implants may impact your milk production capacity. 

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