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The Importance of Timing Your Breast Augmentation Correctly

When deciding on a breast augmentation surgery, there are many things to take into consideration such as your plastic surgeon or type of implant. However, one of the most important, yet overlooked, factors is timing.

Whether you are planning a summer holiday, wedding or major weight loss, timing your breast augmentation or breast lift surgery correctly will ensure that you are fully recovered and able to enjoy your new results safely.


Breast Augmentation Recovery


Going on a Beach Vacation

The first 2 weeks after your breast augmentation are the most critical in terms of healing and attending follow-up visits with your plastic surgeon. As such, patients should wait at least 14 days before taking a trip.

Buying a bathing suit: It is advisable to wait at least 8 weeks before buying any new swimsuits. After that time period you will be able to accurately determine your post-operative size and shape for the best fit.

Swimming: You should not submerge your breasts in any water until your incisions are completely healed as this may cause an infection. While it is best to consult with your plastic surgeon, it is typically okay to go into a hot tub, swimming pool or ocean 3 weeks after your breast augmentation.

Tanning: It is also typically okay to tan 3 weeks after your surgery. However, UV light can redden your scar so ensure that you protect it with SPF 15 sunblock.


Getting Married

Ideally, you should plan your breast augmentation or breast lift surgery at least 12 months before your wedding.

Wedding gown shopping: Scheduling your breast augmentation surgery well in advance of your wedding is important because it takes at least 8 weeks for the implants to settle down and give you a true fit for your wedding gown.

Honeymoon: Planning ahead for your surgery gives you plenty of time to heal before your honeymoon so you will be ready for swimming or other activities.


Planning Major Weight Loss

Because breasts are mostly composed of fatty tissue, embarking on a major weight loss plan can reduce the size of your breasts. If you are planning to lose a large amount of your body weight (10% or more) it is advisable to wait until you have reached your goal before scheduling a breast augmentation surgery.

Losing weight can also cause your breasts to sag and in such a case, a breast lift or breast augmentation mastopexy may help you best achieve your desired aesthetic outcome. Your plastic surgeon can help determine which breast surgery is right for you.


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Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

During pregnancy, your breasts may change shape and size due to hormonal changes and milk production. It is advisable to wait at least 6 months after childbirth or breastfeeding before scheduling the breast augmentation procedure.

NOTE: It is possible to have a breast augmentation surgery before pregnancy. However, keep in mind that you may need an adjustment to achieve your desired outcome.


Learn More

To find out more about the costs, benefits and recovery time for breast augmentation surgery or to book a consultation, contact Dr. Ladak today at (780) 407-6691.

Dr. Adil Ladak is a board-certified plastic surgeon based in Edmonton, Alberta and specializes in a variety of cosmetic surgical and non-surgical procedures.

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