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Recovering After Breast Augmentation Mastopexy

Recovering After Breast Augmentation Mastopexy

Breast augmentation surgery increases the size and volume of your breasts with silicone or saline implants. Breast mastopexy, also known as breast lift surgery, raises the breast profile and reshapes the breasts by removing stretched-out skin and excess breast tissue. Each of these cosmetic surgical procedures can dramatically change the appearance of your breasts, but together they provide your plastic surgeon the opportunity to completely transform your silhouette by improving the position and fullness of your breasts and refining the shape and placement of your nipples and areola. Breast augmentation mastopexy can enhance the size, shape, position, and fullness of your breasts. There are many benefits to combining these surgeries for optimal results including just one procedure and one recovery. Here is what you should know about recovering after breast augmentation mastopexy.

A Guide To Recovery After Breast Augmentation Mastopexy

One of the main benefits of combining breast augmentation and breast mastopexy is that you will only need to undergo one surgical procedure and one recovery. Breast augmentation mastopexy is a major surgery and can be considered slightly more invasive than either procedure alone, but the recovery journey is not significantly longer. During breast augmentation mastopexy your surgeon will remove excess skin and fat, lift and sculpt the remaining breast tissue, refine the position and shape of your areola and nipples, and augment the size and fullness of your breasts with saline or silicone breast implants. Typically incisions are made around the areola and down to the crease of the breast. Often there will be a surgical incision along the breast crease as well. The entire procedure will likely take 2-3 hours. You will be required to be at the clinic 1-2 hours before your breast augmentation mastopexy and will remain for clinical observation for 3-4 hours after the surgery is complete.

Immediately Following Surgery
Breast augmentation mastopexy requires a general anaesthetic. Some patients experience side effects such as nausea and vomiting, headache and fatigue, and even dizziness. This isnormal. Immediately following surgery, you may not experience pain due to the residual effects of the anaesthetic and pain medications, but you will require a friend or family member to drive you home and help you for at least 24 hours or so. Your surgeon will bandage the surgical site, place drainage tubes to remove excess fluids, and help you into a surgical compression garment (bra) to reduce swelling and aid in healing. Your surgical team will provide you with detailed instructions for pain management and incision aftercare. 

The Days Following Surgery
Rest, hydration, and nutrition are key recovery strategies in the days following surgery. Once the anaesthetic and initial pain relief wear off you will likely experience discomfort or mild pain, swelling, bruising, and limited movement in your arms. Although you will feel tired and uncomfortable, it is important to get up and move a little bit every few hours. A simple walk around your bedroom or living room will boost circulation and reduce the risk of blood clots and infection. Your surgeon will recommend not showering and bathing for the first 48-72 hours after surgery so you can keep your incisions dry, but do follow your doctor’s instructions for wound care to prevent infections and severe scarring. You will likely have a post-surgical assessment with your doctor between days 2-4 and your surgical drains will be removed at this time.

Restful sleep is critical for optimal healing,
read Tips For Sleeping Well After Breast Augmentation Surgery.

Week Two Following Surgery
After your first week following breast augmentation mastopexy you should be feeling much better. Bruising and swelling should be significantly decreased, you will experience increased mobility in your arms (but continue to avoid vigorous activity and strenuous lifting or pushing), and your plastic surgeon may clear you to return to driving and work. You have likely showered a few times by now, but your doctor will recommend avoiding baths and saunas until your incisions are fully healed. Keep up with daily walks and continue to wear your compression bra.

The Month Following Surgery
By now, the majority of bruising and swelling should be gone and you probably have a pretty good idea of how the results of your breast augmentation mastopexy will look. Your plastic surgeon will likely clear you to return to light exercise, but stay away from heavy lifting and intense or competitive/contact sports for a few weeks still. You may be tempted to throw away your compression bra and opt for beautiful lingerie to show off your new curves, but your compression bra is still doing the work to aid the healing tissues in your breasts and optimize your surgical outcomes. Most doctors recommend you wear it for at least 6 weeks following breast augmentation mastopexy.

6 Weeks Following Surgery And Beyond
By the six-week mark, you will feel mostly healed and will have returned to normal activities in most areas of your life. Your incisions will be healed and surgical scars should begin to fade. Your surgeon will probably tell you that you can replace your surgical compression bra with more attractive undergarments. Be aware that some patients will still have swelling even 6 weeks after surgery and that it could take 6 months or even up to a year for the final results of your breast augmentation mastopexy to be apparent.

Recovery from breast augmentation mastopexy is very similar to recovery from standard breast augmentation surgery. These tips can help you with a healthy and quicker recovery.

Combine Breast Augmentation And Breast Mastopexy At Alberta Plastic Surgery

If you are unsatisfied with the appearance of your breasts due to sagging and stretching, and due to loss of size and fullness, breast augmentation mastopexy combines the benefits of breast lift and breast enlargement surgeries to sculpt, lift and increase the volume of your breasts. By combining these two procedures you only require one surgical procedure and one recovery journey that is not significantly longer than healing from one surgery alone. Understanding the healing process is key to making the most informed decision for your appearance and your health. If you are ready to explore your options for transformative breast surgery including breast augmentation mastopexy or if you need more information to decide if a different procedure may be right for you, book your complimentary consultation with Dr. Ladak

Dr. Adil Ladak is a board-certified and top surgeon in Edmonton, Alberta, and is highly skilled in cosmetic plastic surgery and other non-surgical rejuvenating cosmetic procedures. Dr. Ladak is a fully qualified Fellow of the Royal Canadian College of Physicians and Surgeons and his team is committed to providing patients with the facts and education to make the most informed decisions about their appearance and health. To explore all of your options to help you feel and look your best, visit Alberta Plastic Surgery in Edmonton by booking your complimentary consultation. Call us at (780) 407-6691 or fill out the form below.


Q: What types of implants should I choose for breast augmentation mastopexy?
A: When you opt for breast augmentation mastopexy your surgeon will guide you to select the best implant option and also the best implant placement for you. Book a complimentary consultation with Dr. Ladak to discuss your options for implants and what outcomes you hope to achieve from surgery.

Q: What results can be achieved with breast augmentation mastopexy?
A: Breast augmentation mastopexy can deliver comprehensive breast rejuvenation by:

  • Removing excess skin for firmer-looking breasts
  • Enhancing volume and fullness of breasts
  • Improving projection and position of breasts
  • Improving skin smoothness
  • Correcting asymmetry that may exist in breasts
  • Tightening and elevating breasts and nipples to correct breast ptosis (when breasts sag over time) and refining areola

Book a complimentary consultation with Dr. Ladak to discuss your options for breast surgery and what outcomes you hope to achieve from surgery.

Q: When will I be able to see the final results after my breast augmentation mastopexy?
A: Healing after breast augmentation mastopexy will take about six weeks. Your own recovery will depend on your health, the techniques your plastic surgeon uses, your body type, and your personal healing journey. You will be able to resume most of your regular activities after these six weeks but it could be several months before you will see the final results of your breast surgery.

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