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Are You a Good Candidate For a Facelift?

If you’re like most people who are considering a facelift, you’ve probably wondered if you should undergo the procedure at a certain age. Read more to find out whether you’re a good candidate for this cosmetic surgery

Facelift surgery is one of the most popular and frequently requested cosmetic procedures in Canada and worldwide. When performed by a board-certified plastic surgeon, it’s an extremely safe and effective way to restore a more natural, youthful appearance to your face.

Facelifts are often used to address aesthetic concerns such as:

  • loss of skin elasticity
  • development of jowls
  • deep creases between the corners of your mouth and the base of your nose
  • loss of chin and neck contours
  • loss of muscle tone in the face and neck

Customised Facelifts at our Edmonton Clinic

Modern cosmetic technology and facelift techniques are more advanced than ever, capable of making you look years younger. Dr. Ladak has extensive training in facial plastic surgery and can provide a customised facelift surgery, or any other cosmetic skin treatment, to help you regain your youthful, healthy glow.

Want to know how we can help rejuvenate your appearance?



Am I The Right Age For a Facelift?

Contrary to popular belief, there is no magic number when it comes to facelift surgery. Deciding on this cosmetic procedure is highly dependant on how you feel about yourself in your age category.

On average: You should be between the age of 35 - 65 years old for a facelift surgery, with the OPTIMAL AGE being 45-50 years old.

Something to Consider: The goal of undergoing a facelift is to preserve and maintain your facial appearance, so the sooner the signs of aging are addressed, the better and longer-lasting the results can be. Older patients with significant ageing in the face can end up with extremely noticeable results that may appear less natural, and this is not always desirable.


Common Factors Apart From Age That You Must Consider Before a Facelift

Apart from a patient’s age, there are some other common factors that most plastic surgeons will take into consideration when determining whether or not you are a good candidate for a facelift.

This includes:

1. Genetics

Genetics plays a HUGE role in the way that we age. In fact, certain skin types do age much faster and easier. For example, fair-skinned people are more likely to develop certain signs of aging faster, including:

  • wrinkles
  • fine lines
  • pigmentation
  • sagging skin

Certain groups of people, including Asians or Hispanics, tend to have oilier skin, and will therefore experience delayed symptoms of aging because of the extra hydration and lubrication that they naturally produce in their skin.


2. Lifestyle

During your facelift consultation, you must discuss the details of your lifestyle with your surgeon, as this will help them understand the changes that have occured in your skin, and helps forecast how you’ll age after your facelift surgery.

Lifestyle factors that should be considered include:

  • smoking
  • excessive consumption of alcohol
  • occupational performance requirements
  • environmental exposure to pollution
  • exposure to other hazardous substances that can accelerate the aging process

REMEMBER: To ensure the best facelift results, it’s VERY Important to avoid smoking and excessive drinking and to maintain a balanced diet and exercise plan.

Why Stop Smoking Befor A Facelift?


3. Skin Quality

Careful and in-depth assessment of your skin quality is absolutely crucial in developing the best approach to your facelift surgery. Your plastic surgeon will take the time to determine the nature of the tissue, how your skin looks, and the extent of sagginess, before deciding if this cosmetic procedure is right for you.


4. Loss Of Volume

The loss of volume in the skin is one of the first signs of aging. However, patients who are experiencing early volume loss can restore the appearance with other methods including:

  • dermal filler injections
  • fat grafting
  • removal of the excess skin

However, the older you get, the more volume loss increases with visible hollowness that appears around the eyes, cheeks, temples of the forehead, and neck. In such a case, a facelift might be your best option.

Is A Facelift Right For You?


Book a Facelift Consultation

The best way to determine whether or not you’re the right candidate for a facelift procedure is to book a consultation with your local plastic surgeon. To make an appointment at our Edmonton clinic, contact Dr. Ladak at 780-407-6691 or fill in our online contact form.

Dr. Adil Ladak is a board-certified plastic surgeon based in Edmonton, Alberta and specializes in a variety of cosmetic surgical and non-surgical procedures.

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