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3 Exercises You Can Do During Your Breast Augmentation Recovery

In part two of our breast augmentation blog series, we take a look at the importance of recovery and when it is safe to resume physical activity after your cosmetic procedure.

One of the greatest factors in the success of a cosmetic procedure, such as a breast augmentation, is the patient’s ability to fully recover afterwards.

Following your plastic surgeon’s post-surgical advice is important because it will:

  • Allow for a quicker healing process
  • Lower your risk of any complications
  • Keep you happier and more comfortable during your recovery period
  • Ensure safer, more satisfactory results
Remember to keep your post-op visits to your plastic surgeon!

Post-operative care is extremely important after any cosmetic procedure, whether its liposuction or a breast augmentation.

Remember to follow your plastic surgeon’s instructions and keep your post-operative appointments so that they can check your progress and promote safe and effective results.


Physical Activity After a Breast Augmentation

After a breast augmentation, you will look and feel incredible, but it’s important to give your body time to heal and return to normal. You need to be especially careful when it comes to exercising after your surgery to minimize any swelling, infections or stretch marks.

The Recovery Phase

Most plastic surgeons generally recommend 2-3 weeks of COMPLETE REST after your breast augmentation. Some light walking is recommended to promote blood flow, but make sure to avoid any heavy lifting or intense cardiovascular activities.

Exercises to Avoid After Breast Augmentation

The main concern with exercising after a breast augmentation is overusing the pectoral muscles. Since the vast majority of implants are placed underneath the pectoralis major muscle, this will need to heal before any stress is placed on it through resistance training.

For at least 4 weeks after your surgery, you should be careful NOT TO:

  • Lift anything heavier than 10 pounds
  • Pull/push/carry any heavy objects including car doors and big purses
  • Do any weight training
  • Do any push ups, pull ups, dips, pilates and certain yoga poses
  • Swing a golf club or a tennis racquet
  • Avoid all strenuous activity: Strenuous exercise MUST BE AVOIDED after surgery. Sweating and heightened blood pressure can contribute to the swelling of body tissues, which will affect your healing process.
Exercises You May Be Able To Do During Your Breast Augmentation Recovery

Exercises that are typically allowed during those first 4 weeks after your surgery are lower-body specific workouts. These include:

  • Lunges/leg presses/squats without weights
  • Light-to-moderate cardio such as walking and using a stationary bicycle
  • Core specific strengthening exercises IF they are done very carefully

REMEMBER: It is very important to consult your plastic surgeon before resuming any type of exercise or post-op workout program. This will ensure that your health and well-being is protected and you avoid any unwanted risks from your surgery.


4 Week Post-Op Visit

At your four week post-operation visit, your plastic surgeon can review your recovery progress. If you are healing as expected, you may be allowed to slowly begin arm workouts, followed by chest exercises. Eventually, you will regain total strength of your pectoral muscles and will be able to perform any exercise that you want.


Call Today

To find out more about the costs, benefits and recovery period of a breast augmentation, contact Dr. Ladak at 780-407-6691 or fill in our online contact form.

Dr. Adil Ladak is a board-certified plastic surgeon based in Edmonton, Alberta and specializes in a variety of cosmetic surgical and non-surgical procedures.

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