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3 Things to Consider Before a Breast Augmentation

Are you unhappy with the size of your breasts? The breast augmentation procedure is a safe and effective way to increase breast size and enhance your appearance. However, before you opt for this cosmetic surgery, here are 3 things you must consider. 

Breast augmentation is one of the most popular cosmetic treatments and when performed by a board-certified plastic surgeon, it’s an excellent and safe method of enhancing your appearance. This cosmetic surgery is ideal for women: 

  • Who want to increase their breast size 
  • Whose breasts have lost fullness due to weight loss or pregnancy 
  • Who have asymmetrical breasts 

Breast Augmentation vs Breast Lift: Unlike a breast lift that only lifts and reshapes the breasts, breast augmentation uses implants (silicone or saline) to help you achieve the breast size you’ve always desired. 



Customized Breast Augmentation in Edmonton 

If you are tired of feeling self-conscious about the size of your breasts, then you should talk to your plastic surgeon about whether a mastopexy is right for you.

When performed by a board-certified surgeon, breast augmentation is a safe and effective way of enhancing your body shape and helping you achieve all your aesthetic goals.

Want to know if this is the right procedure for you? 



Thinking About a Breast Augmentation? Here are 3 Things to Consider 

If performed by an experienced and board-certified plastic surgeon, the breast augmentation procedure is a safe and excellent way to achieve your desired breast size and body shape. However, before undergoing such a treatment, it’s important to be fully aware of all aspects of the procedure so you can decide whether or not it’s the best choice for you. 

Here are 3 factors to consider before booking a breast augmentation procedure: 

1. Choosing The Right Plastic Surgeon is Vital 

The key to getting the safest and best results from your breast augmentation treatment is by choosing a plastic surgeon who has the right skills, experience, and training for the procedure. When you are choosing a plastic surgeon, here are 3 factors you must always look at: 

  • Board certification 
  • Experience in the procedure you want 
  • Trustworthiness 

Remember: Failing to carefully research and consider the plastic surgeon you are working with can have extremely serious consequences such as surgical complications, undesirable results, and a wasted investment. 



2. Breast Augmentation Comes With Risks 

As with all cosmetic surgeries, there are risks and potential complications that come with a breast augmentation. These will be discussed with you during your consultation and can include: 

  • Numbness or other changes in sensation to your breast 
  • Surgical complications such as bleeding, swelling, and infection 
  • Capsular contracture 
  • Fluid accumulation 

While working with an experienced plastic surgeon can significantly lower your surgical risk, you must always discuss the potential complications with your surgeon prior to undergoing treatment, as this will ensure you can make the best and safest decision for your health. 



3. There is a Recovery Period 

Before undergoing a breast augmentation, you should remember that it is an extensive procedure that requires a significant recovery period. After the surgery, you should: 

  • Expect some discomfort, swelling, and pain
  • Wear a surgical bra for at least 6 weeks after the procedure 
  • Avoid any extensive physical exercise for at least 4 weeks after your procedure, or until your plastic surgeon tells you it’s safe to resume your regular exercise regimen. 
  • Stop smoking for at least one month after (and before) your procedure 

How to Ensure The Best Results: Following your plastic surgeon’s post-op instructions and getting plenty of rest is critical for great results. That’s why, before deciding on a breast augmentation, you must be sure that you’re prepared for the recovery period. 



Call Today

To find out more about the costs, benefits, and risks of a breast augmentation surgery and how our plastic surgeon can help you achieve the aesthetically pleasing body shape you’ve always wanted, visit our clinic located at 8440 112 Street Northwest, Edmonton, Alberta, T6G 2P4.

Additionally, you can contact Dr. Ladak at 780-407-6691 or fill in our online contact form.

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