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The Pros And Cons Of Breast Reduction

The Pros And Cons Of Breast Reduction

Some women with larger breasts experience pain, discomfort, limitations to their lifestyle, and even self-consciousness and low self-esteem. Larger breasts have been associated with poor posture, neck, back, shoulder, and even jaw impairments, skin conditions, and compromised movement. Some women are just dissatisfied with their proportions and want smaller or more symmetrical contours. The reasons for wanting breast reduction are as varied as the women who opt for this transformative cosmetic surgical procedure. If you are considering breast reduction surgery to help you achieve the size and proportions you desire, understanding the benefits and the potential concerns can help you make the most informed decision for your body and your lifestyle. Here are the pros and cons of breast reduction surgery.

Is Breast Reduction The Right Choice For Me?

Breast reduction surgery, also known as reduction mammoplasty, is a cosmetic surgical procedure that aims to remove excess skin, fat, and breast tissue. Your plastic surgeon may opt to include liposuction to achieve optimal results. By removing the excess tissue, your surgeon will be able to refine the size and shape, and lift remaining breast tissue for a more appealing profile. Breast reduction surgery may also include reshaping the areola and repositioning the nipples into a more natural placement.

The Pros Of Breast Reduction

Pain Relief
The weight and position of your breasts can put strain on the neck, back, and shoulders. Pinched nerves in the neck, arms, and hands is another common complaint of women with large breasts. Women with heavy breasts often experience painful grooves from bra straps that dig in. Breast reduction surgery reduces the weight of your breasts, relieves the stress and tension on your shoulders, neck, and back, and can dramatically reduce or eliminate that pain.

Healthier Skin
Many women with larger breasts experience skin irritations in the folds under and between their breasts. Moisture, heat, and friction can cause painful rashes that can be hard to heal and may even become infected. 

Better Proportions
Many women opt for breast reduction surgery to achieve a more proportionate figure and a more lifted breast profile. This can be achieved with reduction mammoplasty, but it can also be achieved with breast lift surgery, also known as breast mastopexy for women who are satisfied with their current breast size.

Freedom To Move
If your breast size or the pain and discomfort associated with larger breasts holds you back from enjoying exercise and activities that you love, a breast reduction can mean more enjoyable workouts and a more active lifestyle.

Clothing That Fits
Finding clothing that fits can be challenging for women with large breasts. You may find your clothing pulls and gaps in the wrong places, or you may purposely buy clothing that is too large to try to minimize your bust size. Smaller, proportionate breasts can make clothes shopping more fun.

It May Be Covered
In Alberta, if your doctor determines that breast reduction surgery is medically necessary for you, and the amount of breast tissue removed meets the requirement, it may be covered by provincial health insurance. 

The Cons Of Breast Reduction

Breast reduction mammoplasty is surgery. This means that you should expect to spend a significant time recovering. Breast reduction surgery is safe and effective, but the typical recovery journey for breast reduction surgery is 4-6 weeks. After a couple of days with very limited movement and mobility, most women feel better and can return to the majority of their regular activities after about two weeks. For more detailed information read A Guide To Recovery After Breast Reduction Surgery.

Surgical scars are inevitable after breast reduction mammoplasty. You will have visible scars around your areola, down to your breast fold, and likely along the natural fold of your breast. But your plastic surgeon will strive to place your incisions as discreetly as possible and they will be covered by your bra or bathing suit.

Altered Sensitivity
An experienced and qualified plastic surgeon will aim to preserve optimal nerve supply and sensation after surgery. But there is a possibility that nipple sensation and breast sensitivity can be affected. There is also a possibility that breast reduction surgery could impact breastfeeding and milk supply.

Choose Breast Reduction At Alberta Plastic Surgery In Edmonton

Breast reduction mammoplasty is a safe and transformative surgical procedure to reduce the size and improve breast shape, lift, and appearance for women who feel their breasts are too large. This surgery can relieve pain and discomfort, elevate self-confidence, improve lifestyle, and it may even be covered by provincial health insurance. If you are considering breast reduction mammoplasty, book a complimentary consultation with Dr. Adil Ladak to learn more about the benefits and risks associated with this surgery.

If you are considering breast reduction, breast lift (mastopexy), or any other breast surgery to achieve your ideal breast size and shape, the team at Alberta Plastic Surgery can guide you in exploring your options. Book your complimentary consultation today.

Dr. Adil Ladak is a board-certified and top surgeon in Edmonton, Alberta, and is highly skilled in cosmetic plastic surgery and other non-surgical rejuvenating cosmetic procedures. Dr. Ladak is a fully qualified Fellow of the Royal Canadian College of Physicians and Surgeons and his team is committed to providing patients with the facts and education to make the most informed decisions about their appearance and health. To explore all of your options to help you feel and look your best, visit Alberta Plastic Surgery in Edmonton by booking your complimentary consultation. Call us at (780) 407-6691 or fill out the form below.


Q: Is breast reduction safe?
A: Yes. Breast reduction is generally safe. But with any surgery, you run a small risk of infection. Be sure to follow your surgeon’s post-operative instructions to recover from your procedure and avoid complications. 

Q: Does breast reduction affect breastfeeding?
A: The ability to breastfeed after a reduction is dependent on several factors including the type of surgery chosen, the condition of nerves, ducts, and blood supply post-surgery, and the level of refinement done to the nipple. Many women are able to breastfeed after a breast reduction, but if you plan to breastfeed in the future, let your surgeon know. A full understanding of the risks and benefits will help you make the best decision for yourself.

Q: How long is breast reduction surgery?
A: Breast reduction surgery typically takes 2-4 hours depending on the patient’s breast size and the desired outcomes for surgery. Book a complimentary consultation with Dr. Ladak to discuss your goals and he will be able to give you a more concise estimate for your surgery.

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