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Our Breast Augmentation Specialists Debunk Common Implant Myths

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, breast augmentation is the most popular cosmetic surgery options. However, despite its popularity, many people arrive at consultations with concerns based on outdated facts about this procedure. 

Understanding how breast augmentations have changed over the years can be useful in understanding and debunking myths about this procedure. While our 2016 post on this topic focused on post-operation myths, this one focuses on outdated notions about the procedure itself.


Myth #1:

Breast Implant Materials Are Unsafe 

While there may have been safety concerns about early breast implants, today’s options have been closely studied and subjected to rigorous testing. Modern saline and silicone implants have been approved by the FDA, and have not been shown to cause any illness or harm to patients. In addition to this, some types of implants, such as silicone ones, are monitored at regular intervals by a medical professional to ensure stable results in the long term. 

Today’s Implant Materials Include: 

  • Saline - These implants are filled with sterile salt water. Some also have structured materials inside them to lend a more natural feeling and shape. 
  • Silicone - These implants are only approved for individuals 22 years and older. They are filled with silicone gel. 
  • Gummy Bear - These implants are form-stable, meaning that they maintain their shape even if the implant is broken. They are made of silicone, but their filling is thicker and denser than standard silicone implants.


Myth #2:

Breast Augmentation Have An Unnatural Shape Or Texture

There is a stereotype of breast augmentation results being highly obvious, not just due to size, but due to shape. Sometimes, patients think that the only options available to them are high-profile, rounded implants, which create a much fuller look at the top of the breast. 

Despite this pop-culture myth, teardrop-shaped implants have been around since the 1960s, and all types of implants come in a variety diameters and projections. Your plastic surgeon can help you find the one that best suits your frame and aesthetic goals. 

Finally, our Edmonton breast augmentation clients have the choice between under-and over the muscle implants, as well as different textures, to further customize their results.


Myth #3:

Breast Augmentation Results Don’t Last

Clients seeking breast augmentation may be cautions about undergoing a procedure because they have heard that breast implants must be replaced after a certain number of years (such as 5 or 10), or that they may “deflate” or “sag”. 

While it is true that a very small number of implants may fail or rupture, the vast majority of breast implant patients have complication-free results and only opt for another surgery if they want to alter their bust size again or remove their implants altogether. 

It is true that patients who had a breast augmentation while younger might experience sagging (ptosis) as they age or after breastfeeding, but this is true for many individuals who don’t have breast augmentations. Older patients undergoing breast augmentations should also be aware that it doesn’t correct sagging: to both enhance and lift breasts, an augmentation mastopexy is usually the best option for these cases.


Contact Our Edmonton Breast Augmentation Specialists Today

If you’re considering a breast augmentation, our Alberta-based cosmetic surgery team would be happy to meet with you to discuss your aesthetic goals. During the consultation process, we can answer any questions you might have about a procedure. Contact our Edmonton plastic surgery team at 780-407-6691 or use our online contact form.

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