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Exercising After Abdominoplasty

Exercising After Abdominoplasty

After abdominoplasty, many patients become determined to do whatever it takes to maintain the new tighter, firmer, nicely contoured abdomen their plastic surgeon has helped them achieve. Working together with your surgeon to devise a post-surgical strategy for lasting results after a tummy tuck is crucial. Your best plan will involve eating well, and, of course, exercise. But your fitness plan must be considerate of the significant recovery journey after abdominoplasty. You should always defer to your own plastic surgeon’s recommendations, and their clearance to move from one phase of recovery to the next, but here is a general outline of how to incorporate movement and exercise into your healing after a tummy tuck.

Don’t Rush Your Recovery

Despite some post-surgical swelling and bruising, the results of your abdominoplasty will be apparent quite quickly after surgery. But a tummy tuck is considered an invasive procedure, especially if it has included repair of your abdominal muscles, more extensive fat and tissue removal, and liposuction. Your recovery journey will also depend on your pre-surgical health, your skin type, and other risk factors unique to you. Taking the time to recover after a tummy tuck is crucial to avoiding complications and to achieving optimal results from your surgery. 


But here is how you can expect your return to physical activity to look after abdominoplasty.

The First 24 Hours
You will go home just a few hours after your surgery. You may feel tired and weak, and you will definitely need some assistance for even small tasks. But it is also important to incorporate a little movement during your first 24 hours. Stand up and take some slow, steady steps every few hours. This will help to reduce swelling and avoid the risk of post-surgical blood clots. Do not overdo it; just a few easy steps from one room to another is good, and rest after your walk.

The First Two Weeks
You will likely be experiencing some tenderness and achiness as you continue to heal after your tummy tuck. You will have a compression garment that will offer some support, but you still need to be careful with your movements for these first couple of weeks. Walking will be your most important form of exercise in this stage of recovery. Extend the distance and length of your walks a little each day. Avoid yoga and stretching activities and any exercise that causes impact. If your surgeon clears you, you may begin to introduce stationary cycling towards the end of week two.

Weeks 3 And 4
You should be feeling significantly better by this stage of recovery. Tenderness and swelling should be noticeably reduced. Continue walking daily and if you feel up to it, increase your speed. If you were very fit and active prior to your abdominoplasty, your plastic surgeon may suggest incorporating some low-impact cardio to raise your heart rate like elliptical or aerobics, but you need to avoid any exercise that puts strain on your core. 

Weeks 5 And 6
By this stage of recovery, your incisions should be mostly healed. Now you can begin to slowly increase the intensity of your cardio activity with brisk walks or even light jogging. You can begin strength training with exercises that target the arms and legs, but you still need to be careful not to strain your core. Make sure when you strength train that you are isolating the correct muscle groups and do not attempt heavy weights.

Beyond Week 6 
Most patients are considered mostly recovered at this point and should be cleared to return to almost all activities by their plastic surgeon. As long as your incision is fully healed, you can return to swimming and you can resume yoga and other full body exercises. With care not to overextend your core muscles, you can return to higher-impact activities like running and most sports. Most surgeons recommend waiting until after 12 weeks to resume exercises that target your abdominals such as sit-ups and crunches.

Transformative Tummy Tucks And Lasting Results At Alberta Plastic Surgery

Taking the necessary precautions and time to fully recover after abdominoplasty is critical. But movement and exercise are an important component of healing at every stage. Always follow the instructions and recommendations of your plastic surgeon, but rest, healthy eating, and physical activity will help you recover quickly, heal well, and achieve lasting results after tummy tuck surgery.

If you are considering abdominoplasty, a mommy makeover, or any other body contouring procedures to help you look and feel your best, the team at Alberta Plastic Surgery can guide you in exploring your options and help you prepare for recovery after plastic surgery. Book your complimentary consultation today.

Dr. Adil Ladak is a board-certified and top surgeon in Edmonton, Alberta, and is highly skilled in cosmetic plastic surgery and other non-surgical rejuvenating cosmetic procedures. Dr. Ladak is a fully qualified Fellow of the Royal Canadian College of Physicians and Surgeons and his team is committed to providing patients with the facts and education to make the most informed decisions about their appearance and health. To explore all of your options to help you feel and look your best, visit Alberta Plastic Surgery in Edmonton by booking your complimentary consultation. Call us at 1-780-407-6691 or fill out the form below.


Q: What is abdominoplasty?
A: Abdominoplasty, or tummy tuck surgery, is a cosmetic surgical procedure that targets excess skin and fat in the abdominal region and tightens stretched out or weakened abdominal muscles to restore a firm, naturally contoured belly. If you are considering abdominoplasty or any other body contouring procedure, book a complimentary consultation with Dr. Ladak to discuss your options and the outcomes you hope to achieve from surgery.

Q: How much weight should I lose before having a tummy tuck?
A: It is ideal to be within 10 pounds of your desired goal weight and to maintain a stable weight for at least 6 months to achieve optimal results from a tummy tuck procedure.

Q: Does a tummy tuck require anaesthetic?
A: Yes. Abdominoplasty is performed as a day surgery under general anaesthetic. You will need to be driven home after your procedure and will require assistance and care for your first week or so post-surgery.

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