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Everything You Need to Know About Facial Liposuction

Facial liposuction can help banish your double chin and take years off your appearance. Learn more about the incredible aesthetic benefits of this cosmetic procedure.

For patients who are looking to quickly and effectively rejuvenate their facial appearance, surgical and non-surgical cosmetic procedures are a time-tested way of reducing signs of facial ageing, such as:

  • sagging and loose skin
  • undesirable facial lines and wrinkles
  • volume loss
  • age spots

Customised Facial Liposuction in Edmonton

From surgical procedures such as facelifts and facial liposuction, to minimally invasive skin treatments such as Botox and Juvederm, customised facial cosmetic procedures are designed to meet all your unique aesthetic needs and naturally create a more balanced and youthful appearance.

Facial Surgery


What is Facial Liposuction?

Liposuction is often associated with body contouring, but a growing number of board-certified plastic surgeons are now also achieving excellent results with facial liposuction. Some of the most common concerns that can be addressed with facial liposuction include:

  • Excess fat deposits in the chin and neck
  • Loose skin
  • Double chin
  • Soft jawline
  • Unbalanced facial features

Also referred to as submental liposuction, facial liposuction can be performed on its own or with other facial rejuvenation procedures such as a facelift, Botox or tissue filler injections.

Facial Liposuction


Are You a Candidate For Facial Liposuction?

If you are worried about a double chin, jowls, or a "turkey neck", facial liposuction may be a good option for you. The best way to determine if it is the right procedure is to schedule a consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon.

He/she will examine your facial anatomy and discuss your aesthetic goals and expectations to help decide whether or not this cosmetic surgery is a safe and viable choice for you.

There are certain lifestyle factors that can affect your candidacy, including:

  • your general health
  • your weight
  • whether you’re a smoker
  • degree of alcohol consumption
  • whether you’re taking certain OTC medications, which can increase bleeding risks and complicate your healing.

Want to know if facial liposuction is right for you?

Book A Consultation


Risks and Benefits of Facial Liposuction  

Traditionally, many patients consider liposuction for larger areas of the body such as the abdomen or thighs. Many don’t think of applying the technique to the face, but under the guidance of a board-certified plastic surgeon, facial liposuction offers many benefits.

These include:

  • reduced perceived age
  • improved skin tone and texture
  • natural looking results
  • when performed by a skilled surgeon, it’s a safe and effective procedure

Risks of Facial Liposuction

While facial liposuction is a safe procedure, as with all surgeries, it does come with certain risks, which include:

  • infection
  • bleeding
  • nerve damage/Loss of sensation
  • scarring
  • anesthesia risks
  • hematoma
  • seroma (collection of fluid under the skin)

Before scheduling a procedure, it’s important to discuss the risks of this surgery with your plastic surgeon. They can provide you with important information on how to minimize the risks such as quitting smoking.


Recovering From Facial Liposuction

The facial liposuction recovery period depends on whether or not you’ve had other procedures performed at the same time. If it is a stand-alone surgery, recovery is more straightforward. You can expect:

  • mild pain
  • discomfort
  • swelling
  • bruising

These symptoms are temporary and can be managed with over-the-counter or prescription painkillers. Typically, you can return to work within 5 days but it’s important to follow your surgeon’s post-procedure instructions to minimize your risk of complications.


Call Today

To find out more about our facial cosmetic procedures including liposuction, facelifts, and neck lifts, contact Dr. Ladak at 780-407-6691 or fill in our online contact form.

Dr. Adil Ladak is a board-certified plastic surgeon based in Edmonton, Alberta and specializes in a variety of cosmetic surgical and non-surgical procedures.

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