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Edmonton Breast Augmentation and Mastopexy Experts Overview of Mini Breast Surgeries

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Online forums and magazines that reference “mini” breast surgeries can be confusing to consumers. Our Edmonton breast augmentation specialists clear up the confusion.

When researching breast lift surgery, or discussing your options a plastic surgeon, you may have come across terms such as a ‘mini-breast lift’ or ‘mini-breast augmentation.’ In a world were cosmetic procedures are always advancing, this can add even more confusion to an already complex decision. 

Patients may wonder: 

  • What is the difference between these ‘mini’ procedures and a normal breast surgery? 
  • Who is a candidate for a mini breast lift or mini breast augmentation?
  • What are the costs and benefits of these new surgeries? 

This post will provide an overview of these new procedures and outline who they are best suited for. 


Why Do People Seek “Mini” Procedures?

While many people see a breast augmentation as a chance to dramatically change their physique, there are many reasons people seek a more subtle enhancement. 


4 Reasons Why Clients May Seek “Mini” Breast Augmentation or Mastopexy Procedures

  1.  Some women lose breast volume after the birth of a child or after significant weight loss, and want to increase their bust to its previous, fuller size. 
  2. Others naturally have a less curvy bust and would like to enhance it, but not in a way that looks disproportionate or dramatic.
  3. Some favour maintaining a natural look, and would like to subtly enhance their figure without it being obvious that they’ve had “work done’.
  4.  Athletic women may want a bigger bust, but don’t want to be constrained in what sort of exercise or physical activity they can do, either during recovery or afterwards.


What Is a “Mini Boob Job”?

The term ‘mini’ has been applied to both mastopexy operations and augmentations, and has slightly different meanings--in some cases, because it was a term created by the public, though there is little agreement between plastic surgeons on the exact specifications of each procedure. 

This is why our  edmonton breast augmentation specialists prefer referring to the main procedure, and tailoring the results to each clients. While we are capable of creating natural-looking, subtle results like the ones outlined below, we don’t refer to them as “mini” procedures.


What is a Mini Breast Augmentation?

A mini breast augmentation uses a saline, gel, or silicone implant that is typically smaller than what is employed in a regular breast augmentation (150-250cc, or an increase of 1-2 cup sizes). 

In terms of cost, the mini breast augmentation is similar to its standard counterpart, but it: 

  • Is less invasive 
  • Has less of an impact on surrounding tissues
  • Requires a much shorter recovery period 
  • Produces results that are much more subtle 

In terms of cost, the mini breast augmentation is similar to its standard counterpart. However, it is slightly less invasive, and since the smaller implant has less of an impact on surrounding tissues, the recovery process can go much more quickly. 

3 Factors To Consider

Mini Breast Lift

A mini mastopexy has been less widely covered in the media, and is a term more widely used by clients than by plastic surgeons themselves. 
A mastopexy involves lifting and shaping the breast tissue and nipple. When clients ask our Edmonton mastopexy specialists for a “mini” procedure, some clients are referring to a smaller incision type and seeking only a small amount of reshaping. 

For example:

  • a “donut” lift makes a circular incision and around the areola. This treatment option is best  for women with mild breast sagging.
  • a “crescent lift” makes an even smaller incision on part of the areola, and involves slight reshaping to address slight breast sagging.

“Mini lift’ might also simply be shorthand for “subtle results”. However, it should be noted that all mastopexies are already much more subtle than breast augmentations, because they only reshape the breast, rather than enlarge it.

What To Expect


Contact Us

Whether you simply want the subtle results offered by the mini breast-surgeries, or are looking for something more dramatic, our team ensures your needs are thoroughly understood before creating a tailored treatment plan. 

For more information, or to schedule a  consultation contact our Edmonton cosmetic surgery clinic  at 780-407-6691 or use our online contact form.

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