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Botox Could Be Used to Treat Chronic Conditions

Injectables, such as Botox, are highly effective at fighting the signs of aging. While they are best known for smoothing lines and wrinkles that appear over time, they may have other uses as well.

According to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery more than 9.5 million people underwent nonsurgical procedures in 2013, with 4 million of them receiving Botox injections. One of the reasons nonsurgical procedures are so popular is because of the shorter recovery time compared to surgical procedures. One of the added benefits of this pervasive use of nonsurgical procedures is that scientists are better able to study other uses for injectables beyond appearance.

Botox Treatment for "Gummy" smiles

Beautiful smiles come in a variety of shapes and forms, but a rising number of people are seeking to reduce the appearance of their gums when they smile. "Gummy" smiles, or smiles that show a lot of pink gum, can be treated using a number of cosmetic procedures including gum reduction and recontouring. Though those procedures are effective they are lengthy surgeries with long recovery times. Fortunately, researchers have found that Botox may be an effective, minimally invasive alternative for individuals who wish to reduce the amount of gum they show when they smile.

Health Canal conducted a study where they examined the effectiveness of Botox to reduce the amount of gum shown when smiling. The patient's lips were injected at 3 sites and their smiles were examined after 2 weeks. Participants saw, on average, 85 percent reduction in gum exposure, making this a promising alternative to surgical gum reduction and recontouring.

Botox Treatment for Migraines

People who experience chronic migraines are plagued by a sensitivity to light and inexplicable pain which can make them unable to perform everyday tasks such as driving or going to work. Though painkillers can be used to relieve suffering there is no permanent cure for migraines. Luckily, a recent study published by the Journal of the American Medical Association found that Botox may be able to help reduce the number of migraines that migraine sufferers experience each month.

Participants that received Botox injections had fewer chronic migraines than participants that received a placebo. Scientists were able to conclude that the procedures provided a "small to modest benefit" for reducing the number of chronic headaches and migraines that sufferers experienced each month.

Dr. Adil Ladak is a board-certified plastic surgeon based in Edmonton, Alberta. His specialties include facial surgery, breast surgery, body contouring and skin treatments. Contact Dr. Ladak at 780.407.6691 to book your consultation.

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