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People consider eyelid surgery, also known as an eyelift or blepharoplasty, for a variety of reasons.

Why would I consider blepharoplasty?

You may consider undergoing a blepharoplasty if:

  • You have excess, hanging skin covering the natural fold in your upper eyelids
  • You have loose skin hanging down from the upper eyelids over your eyelashes
  • Your upper and lower eyelids appear puffy, making your eyes look tired and aged
  • You have deep grooves under your eyes

Blepharoplasty is an excellent way to eliminate the puffiness and bags under your lower lids, as well as any hooded skin on your upper lids. This will make you appear younger and healthier. It can also be used to correct vision problems associated with overhanging eyelids. Any scars that you have as a result of the blepharoplasty will be hidden in your natural eyelid creases, making them almost indiscernible. However, it will take some time for you to see results after the surgery, and your eyes are likely to be dry, itchy, bruised and swollen following the procedures. This procedure does not correct droopy eyebrows or forehead creases, so you may require a brow lift as well depending on the results you wish to achieve.

Am I a good candidate for blepharoplasty?

Good candidates for blepharoplasty:

  • Have excess skin obscuring the natural folds in their upper eyelids
  • Have loose upper eyelid skin that impairs their vision
  • Have upper eyelids that appear puffy, making their eyes look tired and sad
  • Have bags and dark circles under their eyes that do not vanish with adequate sleep
  • Are in good general health, have a positive attitude and have realistic expectations

Before considering any form of plastic surgery you should consult your physician and your plastic surgeon.

Dr. Adil Ladak is a board certified plastic surgeon based in Edmonton Alberta. His specialties include facial surgery, breast surgery, body contouring and skin treatments. Contact Dr. Ladak at 780.407.6691 to book your consultation.

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