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Are You A Good Candidate For A Breast Lift?

Are you looking for a way to rejuvenate your appearance? Our Edmonton breast lift procedure is designed to raise and reshape sagging breasts for a more youthful appearance.

Over the years, as your skin loses elasticity, your breasts can lose their shape and firmness, and begin to sag. 

This can be due to a number of factors, including:

  • Age
  • Pregnancy
  • Weight loss
  • Nursing
  • Gravity

A breast lift, or mastopexy, is a popular cosmetic procedure that can give your breasts their firmer shape and feel. In some cases, a breast implant can be inserted along with a breast lift, allowing you to increase your breast size, while also obtaining a more shapely and firmer look.


Customized Breast Lifts in Edmonton

Cosmetic breast surgery is not a one-size-fits-all solution. From breast lifts and augmentations to breast reductions, Dr. Ladak has the training, experience, and expertise, to determine which procedure, or combination, is best suited to your aesthetic needs.

Want to know more?

Who is the Best Candidate For a Breast Lift?

As with all surgeries, the ideal candidates for a breast lift are women who are in good overall health, who do not smoke, and who are at least 18 years of age. In addition, this cosmetic procedure can be the right choice for you if:

  1. Your breasts have lost shape and volume, or if they’ve gotten flatter and longer.
  2. Your nipples, when your breasts are unsupported, fall below your breast creases.
  3. Your nipples point downwards.
  4. Your areola has stretched out of proportion to your breasts.
  5. One of your breasts falls lower than the other.
  6. You have fluctuated in breast size due to breastfeeding.

While a breast lift, when performed by a qualified plastic surgeon, is a safe and effective procedure, it is crucial that you book a consultation with your surgeon prior to any treatment. Such a professional can help assess your health and needs to ensure that you’re making the safest and best decision.


What are the Risks of Having a Breast Lift?

Any surgical procedure, cosmetic or otherwise, comes with inherent risks, such as the effects of anesthesia, infection, bleeding, swelling, and discomfort. However, these complications rarely occur and can be avoided, especially by choosing your surgeon carefully.

Remember: Thousands of women undergo breast lift surgery every year and are highly satisfied with the outcome. Dr. Ladak will discuss all the risks with you thoroughly during your consultation.

What Should I Expect From a Breast Lift Recovery?

When you decide upon a breast lift surgery, you must remember that your recovery is key to ensuring the safest, and most satisfactory results.

Here’s what to expect from your recovery:

  • You’ll be sent home with a bra that acts as both a dressing and support. You must wear this for 4-6 weeks.
  • Your plastic surgeon will want to examine you after a few days during a post-operative visit.
  • In most cases, your surgeon will use dissolving sutures that won’t need to be removed.
  • Any initial discomfort that you have can be easily controlled with oral medication prescribed by your doctor.
  • It’s important to avoid strenuous activity for at least 6 weeks and ALWAYS talk to your surgeon first before jumping back into your normal exercise routine.
  • Light activities can begin 7-10 days after your procedure.
  • Your scars will fade considerably over time.
  • Your results will last for many years (15 years or longer).

Extra tip: As you age, your skin will naturally become less elastic, and some sagging might occur - especially if you have larger and heavier breasts. Maintaining a stable and healthy weight can help maintain your great results.

Call Today

To find out more about the costs and benefits of the customized breast lifts at our Edmonton clinic, contact Dr. Ladak at 780-407-6691 or fill in our online contact form. Dr. Adil Ladak is a board-certified plastic surgeon based in Edmonton, Alberta and specializes in a variety of cosmetic surgical and non-surgical procedures.

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