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4 Signs a Breast Lift Might Be Right For You

Are you disappointed with how time has altered the look of your breasts? Have you been searching for a way to rejuvenate your appearance, boost your self-confidence, and restore some of your youth? A breast lift might be just the right thing for you!

The first thought that comes to mind for most people when breast surgery is discussed is typically breast implants, also known as breast augmentation. While it is an excellent option for patients who desire enhanced breast size and volume, it is not the only cosmetic breast surgery out there. Some other popular procedures include:

One of the most increasingly common cosmetic procedures that will soon likely overtake breast augmentation as the most popular type of breast enhancement is the breast lift procedure. Keep reading to learn if this operation is right for you.

Breast Lift, Reductions, and Implants At Our Plastic Surgery Clinic in Edmonton

At our Edmonton plastic surgery clinic, we understand that all of our patients are different and have unique needs. Our board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Adil Ladak, has the education and experience to develop a customized plan for your body, lifestyle, and needs. Whether you are looking to enhance your breasts' appearance through a lift, implants, or reduction, we can work with you to find a tailored solution to get you the results you desire.

Ready to start your cosmetic surgery journey?


Breast Lift Requirements

Before we think about the motivating factors behind why a breast lift might be the right procedure for you, we need to look at some base criteria that must be met to ensure a safe and healthy recovery. Some reasons why you may be unable to undergo a breast lift are:

  • You are under the age of eighteen
  • You are at an unhealthy weight
  • If you smoke or use other tobacco or nicotine-based substances
  • Suffer from bleeding or clotting disorders
  • Have at one point had breast cancer or you have a family history of breast cancer

Most Common Reasons For a Breast Lift

Now that we understand some of the reasons why a breast lift may not be for you, we can look at some reasons why it might be an excellent choice! When you are contemplating a breast lift, the most important factor in your decision is what is motivating you to do so. You should always make sure that you are doing it for yourself and not to please somebody else.

It is also important to note that a breast lift will not alter the size of your breasts in any significant way. The procedure is intended to reshape and lift the breast to give it a more natural and youthful appearance by removing excess fat, skin, and tissue. If you are looking to improve or enlarge your breasts' shape, a breast augmentation or augmentation mastopexy might be right for you.


Here are 4 of the most common reasons why a breast lift might be right for you.

1. Loss of shape in breasts 

Whether it be as a result of extreme weight loss, pregnancy, age, or a variety of other reasons, your breasts may have lost some of their natural shapes. If this fact is causing you to be unhappy with your breast shape, a breast lift may help restore a more youthful, firmer appearance.

2. You are unhappy with your nipple placement or projection

The placement and the projection of one's nipples is a more uncommonly thought of reason as to why some women become unhappy with their breasts. If your nipples fall below the crease on your breasts, or if the projection of your nipples is placed pointing downwards, a breast lift might be just what you need. In a breast lift procedure, the excess tissue causing the misplacement of your nipples will be removed, allowing your nipples to project naturally and look aesthetically pleasing.

3. Uneven Breasts

No matter whether you were born with asymmetrical breasts, or if they came to be over time, a breast mastopexy can even out your breasts or raise them to be equal heights. If one breast hangs lower than the other or is of a different shape, an experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon such as Dr. Ladak will be sure to create the symmetrical, appealing breasts that you desire.

4. Stretched breast tissue

If the goal of your cosmetic surgery is to remove stretched out skin and tissue, then a breast lift is the perfect procedure. Removing excess, stretched skin is precisely what a breast lift does. It just so happens that this exact procedure can result in enhanced breast shape, improved nipple projection, and produce symmetrical breasts.


Book Your Breast Lift Consultation Today!

Are you unsure if a breast lift is right for you? Are you wondering if an augmentation or augmentation mastopexy might be preferred procedures? During your consultation, Dr. Ladak will use his decades of experience to learn about your aesthetic needs, lifestyle, and medical history, so that we can develop a customized cosmetic surgery plan for you.

To get started on your cosmetic surgery journey, call our clinic at 780-407-6691 or fill in our online contact form.

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