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The Truth About Botox: Everything You’ve Been Wondering About This Injectable

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  • The Truth About Botox: Everything You’ve Been Wondering About This Injectable
Are you considering a Botox treatment but are worried by some of the information you may have heard? Here are the 4 most common Botox myths and the truth about this incredible cosmetic treatment. 

As one of the most popular anti-aging cosmetic treatments in the world, Botox is often recommended to patients who are looking to prevent and/or minimize the lines between the eyebrows and on the forehead. 

It is especially popular with patients who have busy lifestyles because it provides results comparable to a surgical facelift without the high costs and extensive recovery period. In addition, Botox produces: 

  • Natural looking results
  • Long lasting effects (up to 4 months) 
  • Almost instant results 
  • Minimal side-effects
  • Quick and pain-free treatment

Customized Botox Treatments in Edmonton 

At our Edmonton clinic, we provide a wide range of customized, minimally invasive cosmetic skin treatments, including tissue fillers and Botox, to help our patients safely and quickly achieve all their anti-aging and aesthetic goals. 

Want to know more? 



Top Botox Myths Debunked: Why You Need to Consider This Cosmetic Treatment  

While Botox is still one of the most popular cosmetic injectables globally, it is not without controversy. There are still many misconceptions regarding its results, safety, what it can and cannot do, and who its ideal candidates are. 

If you are considering Botox, here are some of the most common myths debunked: 

1. Botox Creates Unnatural Results

When injected, Botox works by relaxing facial produces which produce wrinkles to create a smoother appearance. These treatment sites often occur around wrinkles such as crow’s feet, forehead lines, and smile lines. 

Contrary to popular thought, Botox DOES NOT affect any other muscles involved in facial expressions. With this cosmetic injectable, you will still be able to display a wide range of natural expressions, while enjoying an enhanced and aesthetically improved appearance. 


2. The Best Time For Botox is When You Have Fine Lines 

It used to be thought that Botox was ideal for patients who are in their 40s and 50s when fine lines and wrinkles have already appeared, but today, this cosmetic treatment is being used more frequently by younger patients in their 20s and 30s as a preventive method. 

By starting Botox treatments early, before wrinkles even appear, you can experience many benefits, such as: 

  • Slower wrinkle development 
  • Fewer skin treatments in the future and lower cosmetic costs 
  • Prevention of the facial movements that lead to the development of fine lines (eg. frowning). 

By injecting Botox at the first signs of aging, the wrinkle forming muscles will be paralyzed, thereby preventing deep-set wrinkles from forming. 



3. Botox Treatment Isn’t Always Safe 

Botox was FDA approved for cosmetic uses in 2002 and since then, millions of people worldwide have been using this injectable as an anti-aging treatment and experiencing safe and effective results. However, you must remember that Botox is safest in the hands of a qualified plastic surgeon who understands and follows manufacturer-recommended doses. 

Get the best and safest Botox results by always finding a plastic surgeon who has the required experience and knowledge for this procedure. 

Your plastic surgeon matters: The quality of your results will always depend on the skill of your plastic surgeon, which is why it’s so important to find the right professional for your Botox treatment. 



4. Botox is Just Used For Anti Aging 

While Botox is most popularly known as a treatment for wrinkles, this is not the only condition it can be used to address. There are many different types of conditions Botox can treat, including: 

  • Migraines 
  • Creating a more defined jawline
  • Lip augmentation 
  • Blurry vision 
  • Hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating) 

Before opting for a Botox treatment for any of these conditions, you must book a consultation with your plastic surgeon or doctor to ensure that this is the safest and most effective treatment for you. 


Call Today 

To find out more about the costs and benefits of our Botox treatments and how we can help you achieve all your anti-aging and aesthetic goals, visit our clinic located at 8440 112 Street Northwest, Edmonton, Alberta, T6G 2P4.

Additionally, you can contact Dr. Ladak at 780-407-6691 or fill in our online contact form.

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