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Is a Breast Reduction Surgery Right For You?

For women who experience the pain of large breasts, a breast reduction surgery can be a life-changing event. Here’s what to expect from this cosmetic procedure and the pre and post-surgical care tips to ensure you get the most satisfactory results. 

For some women, the size of their breasts can cause physical and emotional challenges that affect their quality of life and make enjoying everyday activities difficult. Some of the reasons why women may choose to undergo a breast reduction surgery include: 

  • The size of their breasts cause upper back or shoulder pain 
  • They have difficulty staying active 
  • Large breasts result in nipple insensitivity 
  • They experience chafing, rashes or infections under the breasts 

Customized Breast Reduction Surgery in Edmonton 

At our Edmonton clinic, our team is dedicated to helping our male and female patients live happy, healthy, and comfortable lives. From breast reduction and augmentation surgeries to body contouring procedures and minimally invasive skin treatments, we have the experience and knowledge to meet all your aesthetic needs. 

Want to know more? 



Fast Facts About Breast Reduction Surgery 

Patients who opt for a breast reduction surgery are often those who are looking for pain relief caused by the excessive weight of large breasts. This surgery can often solve problems such as back/neck pain and chafing while improving the size and shape of your breasts. 

If you are considering a breast reduction surgery, here are some fast facts: 

  • The surgery is performed under general anesthesia 
  • The procedure will take approximately 2-3 hours 
  • You may have to stay in the hospital for approximately 3 days before returning home
  • Patients can return to work after 14 days
  • Depending on what your plastic surgeon says, most patients can return to their normal exercise routine after 6 weeks. 
  • You will have to wear a compression bra for at least 3 months following your procedure. 



Am I a Good Candidate For a Breast Reduction Surgery? 

When performed by a board-certified plastic surgeon, a breast reduction surgery is a safe and effective way of enhancing your life and appearance. However, before undergoing any cosmetic surgery it’s always important to book a consultation with your surgeon as they can help determine if this is the right procedure for you. 

You may be a good candidate for a breast reduction if: 

  • You’re experiencing pain/discomfort in your back, neck, and shoulders due to the weight of your breasts. 
  • There is skin irritation under your breasts. 
  • Your breasts are too large in proportion to the rest of your body. 
  • Tight bra straps cause grooves in your shoulders. 
  • The size of your breasts restricts you from participating in certain activities. 
  • You feel self-conscious about the size of your breasts. 
  • You are in good general health. 
  • You don’t smoke. 
  • You have realistic expectations of the surgical outcomes. 

During your one on one private consultation with your plastic surgeon, you can discuss your aesthetic goals, general health, and medical history to determine if a breast reduction is a right procedure for you. 


Enjoy a Happier and Healthier Life

Breast reduction surgery can make a dramatic change in your appearance and your life. Most patients are extremely pleased with their results and find that they can begin to enjoy new physical activities and hobbies. 

To find out more about the costs and benefits of our breast reduction surgery, visit our clinic located at 8440 112 Street Northwest, Edmonton, Alberta, T6G 2P4.

Additionally, you can contact Dr. Ladak at 780-407-6691 or fill in our online contact form.

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