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Improve Facial Asymmetry With These 3 Cosmetic Treatments

Are you feeling self-conscious about asymmetrical facial features? Here are the top 3 cosmetic treatments that can help correct this concern and enhance your appearance.

Facial asymmetry refers to when both sides of your face don’t match. This can be caused by a number of factors, including injury and genetics. Whatever the reason, there are times when opting for treatments such as Botox, tissue fillers, or facial implants, to correct the asymmetry can have many benefits, including:

  • Greater self confidence
  • Enhanced aesthetic appearance
  • More youthful appearance
  • Better facial function

Customized Botox and Tissue Filler Treatments For Facial Asymmetry in Edmonton

At our Edmonton clinic, our team can help you achieve a more harmonious, aesthetically pleasing, and youthful appearance through customized facial asymmetry treatments including facial implants and tissue fillers. Whatever your aesthetic goals, we can help you achieve them in a safe and effective manner.

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3 Cosmetic Treatments to Correct Facial Asymmetry

Mostly everyone, even actors and supermodels, have some degree of facial imbalance. However, there are certain cases in which individuals experience extreme facial asymmetry which can affect their self-confidence, as well as their professional and personal lives.

Some of the causes of such facial asymmetry include:

  • Stroke
  • Trauma or injury
  • Genetics
  • Stressors during physical development

Do I Need To Correct My Facial Asymmetry?

Whatever the extent of your facial asymmetry, you must always consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon before making any decisions about your treatment. Such a professional can evaluate your aesthetic goals, the extent of your facial asymmetry, and recommend treatment options that suit your unique needs.

Treatment Options For Facial Asymmetry

For patients who are concerned about facial asymmetry, there are a number of treatment options available, including minimally invasive options such as:

  1. Botox: Botox is used by some plastic surgeons to reduce the prominence of your jaw, or raise an eyebrow that is sitting too low. In some cases, this injectable can even be used to address nasal asymmetries.
  2. Tissue Fillers: Tissue fillers such as Radiesse, Voluma, or Sculptra, can be used to add volume to once side of your jaw or cheek and restore a good balance to your features.

The aim of these non-surgical cosmetic injectables is to improve and restore facial volume, while enhancing your facial contours and improving any facial asymmetry you may have.

Facial Surgery To Correct Asymmetrical Features

If your facial asymmetry is extreme and noticeable, then your plastic surgeon may recommend surgical treatment over minimally invasive procedures such as tissue fillers and Botox.

While this option is more expensive and requires more downtime, it can significantly improve your facial function and appearance. Surgical treatment involves the insertion of facial implants to enhance the contours of your face, including:

Cheek Implants

  • Restore volume to flat cheeks
  • Enhance cheekbone definition
  • Add youthful fullness and lifted definition to cheeks

Jaw Implants

  • Expand the lower part of the face to balance out any asymmetry
  • Correct a weak jaw, creating a clear delineation between the neck and face
  • Create a strong, masculine jawline, which is especially beneficial to male patients

Chin Implants

  • Improve the size and projection of a weak/sunken chin
  • Improve the overall balance of the face

Call Today

To find out more about our facial asymmetry treatments, and how our plastic surgeon can help you achieve all your aesthetic goals in a safe and effective manner, visit our clinic located at 8440 112 Street Northwest, Edmonton, Alberta, T6G 2P4. Additionally, you can contact Dr. Ladak at 780-407-6691 or fill in our online contact form.

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